Portrait Drawing The Smart Way
26 de abril de 2017 2017-04-26 2:31Portrait Drawing The Smart Way
Portrait Drawing The Smart Way
Course Description
“Portrait Drawing The Smart Way” is a complete video course on drawing portraits designed for beginner and intermediate artists. The goal of this course is to provide the learner with a rich learning experience through “easy to digest” modules consisting of video demonstrations and accompanying ebooks. Designed for beginner and intermediate artists, this course lays the foundation required for success with portrait drawing.
Let’s face it. Portrait drawing can be intimidating to some. You sit down to draw a representational drawing of a person and something goes horribly wrong along the way. You’re not sure what happened, but you know that the drawing you just created just doesn’t quite look like the person. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be case. With a bit of knowledge, practice, and few “secrets” used by the pros, accurate and realistic portrait drawings can be created by anyone – including you!
This course has been designed to accelerate learning by teaching to many different learning styles. Not all of us prefer to learn from watching videos. Some of us prefer to learn from books as well as videos. Each course module includes an illustrated ebook that corresponds with the video. Every step and concept is clearly illustrated and described in each downloadable ebook. The ebooks are a fantastic compliment to the comprehensive videos.
- Anyone who wants to learn how to draw accurate portraits.
- Beginner and Intermediate art students will love the simplicity and clarity in which the lessons are presented.
Introduction and Materials